Play Life Loudly

Episode 3: How does breathing work, for real though?

Abby Halpin, DPT Season 1 Episode 3

Let's break down the basic anatomy and physiology of breathing as it pertains to making music and staying alive. Abby gives a few updates on her own voice lesson progress.

Main points:
1. Oxygen in, CO2 out.
2. Air moves toward areas where there is less of it. Once you breathe in, the air wants to go back out and vice versa.
3. Ribs in/diaphragm up = exhalation.
4. Ribs out/diaphragm down = inhalation.
5. Your guts have to be able to slide up and down while diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles dome up and down together as you breathe. Gross. 
6. You need to be able to breathe easily no matter what body position you're in.
7. Common issues seen in musicians are associated with postural patterns and what your instruments have trained you to be good at.

Questions? Please ask them! Would love to hear from you!

Abby is the owner of Forte Performance & Physical Therapy, where she works with musicians, artists, and performers to help them feel and sound their best.


Disclaimer: This podcast episode is for educational purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advice.

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