Play Life Loudly

Episode 4: Musicians Can Lift Heavy Stuff!

Abby Halpin, DPT Season 1 Episode 4

Abby makes a case for adding strength training to your routine to improve your performance as a musician.

Main points:
1. Strength does not equal bulky, stiff, slow muscles. 
2. Too many musicians have told me they have been advised NOT to lifting heavy things.
3. Strength = max force you can produce against a load.
4. Strength training makes you withstand more load. 
5. Strength training allows you to be MORE flexible and MORE mobile!

Next time: What should be in a starter strength program for musicians?

Abby is the owner of Forte Performance & Physical Therapy, where she works with musicians, artists, and performers to help them feel and sound their best.


Disclaimer: This podcast episode is for educational purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advice.

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